Det är på engelska för att jag la ut det på Tumblr.

Okay, so I’m gonna tell you about my day yesterday.
First I woke up, did my hair and make up, put my dress on and walked to a friend’s house. We’re were gonna get a ride to Eskilstuna, which is the town we study in. 
So we got to a classmates house and had champagnebreakfast. Took alot of pictures and drank champagne and ate strawberries. 

Then some of us went to a park were there were photagraphs-moments.
First I took with friends then alone and then the whole class came to a groupshot.

Then we went back to school and had like some time so everyone signed everyone’s hat. bla blah blah.

Then we sat in a classroom and sang songs. Oh and our teachers had done a sort of musicvideo with alot of pictures from the first year to the last. Some cried. haha
Then we were gonna sing something on a balcony. Blah blah blah.

Then we were gonna get something to eat. Blah blah blah. Then we got our grades.

THEN we ran out everyone and screamed!!! So fun. Then we all looked for our parent. Every family held a big picture of they’re kids when they were small and I had the best picture ever. I loved it. 
But it took a few minutes to find them. Then we huged and they took alot of photos and everything. Then I changed into shorts and a top.

Then we headed to the truck, were we were gonna dance on the truck. We had bought alot of beer and cider so that we could pour it on all the others who were dancing in they’re truck. I felt like flashing my boobs to the other people, but I didn’t :(

That was the most fun, to dance on the truck. Just, awesome. I wish I could do it more than the hours we had. :(

Then I got a ride with a friend home in a mustang. Oh yeah. It was magical.

Then I got home, drunk as fuck, trying to act sober. All my family were there and alot of guests. So yeah. I think at least that worked out..

Then we ate and drank. They gave me champagne all the time so I only got drunker and drunker.


Then I opened presents that they had bought. So nice. :) 
I got alot of money, like 7000 kr which is like more money than I have ever owned. x)

Then, after everything. I went to Eskilstuna again to party. So me and a friend met up and went to a place where everyone that graduated was. It was fun. Big dancefloors.

One weird but nice thing. I made out a couple of times with one of my best friends. She was good. 
Then another guy I made out with. I have no idea how it turned out like that but it did. Then a friend came with her boyfriend. And then I started make out with this other guy, he was preeeeetty hot and we danced together.

He was like, the best kisser ever. Oh my god. If I could, I would make out with him forever. I think his name was Erik, which is funny, because there is another guy named Erik that was the best kisser before last night’s Erik. Why is every Erik so damn good at kissing?

Then I had to leave. My mom was picking me up. Then I fell asleep at home. i wasn’t too drunk. I was just really, really happy.

somebody mixed my medicine, i don't know what i'm on.

Oh yeah. Min psykolog tycker att jag ska gå på medicin. Så jag ska träffa en läkare som ska få lista ut felet på m

Chains and whips excite me

Jag älskar tumblr. <3

Första meddelandet:

Andra meddelandet:

Dirty anons.

it gets harder every day.

Tänkte berätta lite om mig.
Jag är då 18 år.
Jag går i en klass jag hatar.
Jag går i en skola jag trodde jag skulle klara av, men det gör jag inte.
Jag har alltid varit lite mullig, men inte när jag gick i 7 och 8:an för då tyckte jag att jag var världens fetaste, vilket jag istället känner mig nu.
Jag har socialfobi kan man kalla det. Jag gillar inte andra människor. Jag gillar de människor känner, för det mesta, men jag gillar inte nya människor.
Jag hatar staden jag bor i och har alltid gjort nu i 3 år.
Jag är fortfarande kär i Heath Ledger sedan 3 år tillbaka.
Jag lever bara för en sak.
Jag har en mycket speciell musikhistoria. Jag har lyssnat på all slags musik förutom "den moderna shake your ass"-musiken.
Jag ser inte fram emot studenten.
Det enda jag ser fram emot nu är Peace & Love. Måste boka biljetter snart!!!
Jag älskar att sova och hatar att vakna.
Har sedan 5 år varit deprimerad och skurit mig.
Jag är intresserad av galenskap och döden.
Jag är oskuld och är inte stolt över det.
Jag står inte för vad jag tycker men försöker ändra på det.
Allt jag gör är fel.
Allt går bara åt helvete.
Jag har försökt ta livet av mig 3 gånger under 2 år.
Jag är nu mer deprimerad än jag någonsin varit.
Jag går till en psykolog och pratar. Hon har föreslagit medicin.


klicka och lyssna.

I think I'm ready to leave, I'm ready to live

Ready To Go

Hatar Spotify at the moment.

gjorde ett test och såhär står det:

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression: Extremely High
Dysthymia: High
Bipolar Disorder: High
Cyclothymia: Very High
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A
Take the Depression Test

"I had a headache"

join me in the backseat


Om jag dör inom kort tid vill jag att någon ska veta att på min begravning vill jag att L490 ska spelas. punkt slut.


Actors I like Sienna Miller, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine, Jamed Franco, Mads Mikkelsen, Jared leto, Uma thurman, Helena Bonham Carter, Steve Buscemi, and many more.
Director:  Stanley Kubrick (<3), Christipher Nolan, Tim Burton, Tarantino, Milos Forman, Martin Scorsese, Luc Besson, Danny Boyle, Oliver Stone and more.

What's the point of living, if you don't have a dick?

You erased me from you memory.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.

Why do I fall in love with every woman I see who shows me the least bit of attention.

His name is Jordan Catalano

# 86 tumblr samt sommaren 2011

Jag har inte skrivit här på jättelänge så jag tänkte att det var dags att höra av mig.
Jag har hittat tumblr. som är asskoj för man hitta människor som är precis som en själv. 99% av de jag följer är mars-älskare. men det finns andra spännande människor där också. så där jag har spenderat all min tid.

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